Dedicated to the memory of Hans and Sophie Scholl who gave their lives for freedom

Tuesday, October 7, 2008


This is my first humble attempt at sharing my ideas and opinions on a variety of topics and issues. My interests are pretty broad and varied. My original entries will fall in the categories of Psychology, Politics, Spirituality, Sports, Cooking, Education and Current Events. (How is that for broad!) I will try to post something new daily even if it is a stray comment on the news or a quotation from literature
When I come across something I think you should know, read or even purchase I will refer you to it or even link you to it. I hope to recruit some guest contributors that will certainly include my son, Daniel, who surpasses me in literacy, articulation and insight. I enthusiastically welcome feedback, positive or negative. You can respond to



Unknown said...

My grandpa was in a Soviet concentration/work camp in the 40's...He said he has never seen such horror before in his life...Aside from starving them and working like animals, my grandpa saw people getting beaten to death! These people deserve a special recognition for what they have been through!

The White Rose said...

When they were caught by the Gestapo Sophie and Jacob were beheaded
