Dedicated to the memory of Hans and Sophie Scholl who gave their lives for freedom

Saturday, November 1, 2008


If Obama Wins

a,A week after he is elected, he will put together his team and get his transition team working with the present administration

b.Here are some of my recommendations for his team. Let us see if we think alike

1. Republican Senator Lugar for Secretary of State
2. Republican Senator Hagle for Secretary of Defense
3. Bob Reuben or Volker for Secretary of the Treasury
4. General James Jones for Chairman, Joint Chiefs
5. Patrick Fitzgerald - Attorney General
6. Sam Daschle - Chief of Staff
7. Andrea Mitchell-Press Secretary
8. Secretary of HEW- Hillary Clinton (She won't accept)
9. UN Representative- Harold Ford
10. Ambassador to Russia - Condoleeza Rice

c. Once he takes office, things will not go smoothly with his domestic programs until financial crisis is settled.

d. He will send Biden overseas to estbalish good relations with European countries. Bill Clinton willbe sent to Palestine and Israel to try to negotiate peace treaties. He will send top level advisors to Iran and Pakistan to set the stage for VP or President to meet with Leaders.

e. In Second Year 0f Administration Obama will visit several nations in Europe, the middle east and Russia.

f. The Republican party will regroup under the leadership of Arnold Schwarzeneger and other moderate Republicans.

All speculation but its fun

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

connor says 'i like your picks... i coudnt see anything id disagree with per se, maybe id have some alternatives but if obama moved forward with that cabinet then id be okay.'