Dedicated to the memory of Hans and Sophie Scholl who gave their lives for freedom

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


It appears fairly obvious that most of the Teabagger zealots are either evangelical Christians or even a few Catholics thrown in. They demand strict adherence to the Bible and the words and acts of Jesus Christ. They scream and write that “this is Christian Nation” and “we want our nation back”. Thus, they get themselves all in frenzy because they feel that this country is turning away from Jesus and the Christian principles of our founding fathers.

Obviously, Jesus is not here right now but his words and examples are eternally preserved in his Holy Bible. Many people then wonder “What would Jesus do?” if he were alive today. What would he say? How would he react to our modern world with all of its problems and issues?

Well I have read the Bible and listened to the gospels since I was an altar boy in Our Lady Queen of Angels Church and studied it in the Catholic schools and Universities I attended for some 20 years. I agree that it tough to really say what “Jesus would do” on issues like abortion, just vs. unjust war, homosexuality etc. What is pretty clear to me, however, is what Jesus would not do about many things.. Here they are:

Jesus would not

· Start a war-----especially when it wasn’t a war of self-defense

· Applaud when someone kills or maims a physician who performs abortions

· Call people niggers, spics, wops, gooks etc and treat them like aliens by restricting their access to work and play

· Tell poor or sick people that “there are no free rides here”- --on TV

· Agree that business operates by a different set of rules than the rest of life

· Say that “ I will not pay for other’s people’s health care”

· Carry hateful signs at rallies that insult and demean everyone that does not agree with them

· Pass laws that would subject human beings to be stopped and inspected just because they look a certain way

· Protect the priests of His church who are predators of innocent children

· Have his designated representatives in Rome live in lavish surroundings amidst expensive works of art while just outside its walls, people live in abject poverty

· Yell “drill baby drill” while greedy corporations dig into his earth and loose a plague of sticky black oil on his beautiful beaches and entrap his creatures of the sky and sea in its muck

· Hate instead of love; berate instead of forgive; abandon instead of protect and nurture; hoard instead of share

That’s not the Jesus I read about and studied in the Bible.

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